On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Andreas K. Huettel
<dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Ah btw how's that git migration coming along?

Even though we're drifting here an update is probably due.

At this point I'd say we have pretty high confidence that we can
accurately migrate the tree.  The issues that remain shouldn't hold us
back from just moving forward (they're issues with cvs keywords that
are already issues in cvs).  The bigger issues were all fixed (like
mangling unicode).

Infra changes aren't started, and those are probably rate-limiting at
this point, especially since it is hard for anybody not in infra to
contribute to this.

We also need to write up docs, and once an actual workflow is
announced I suspect we'll start getting objections.  The likely
conflict I see is between those who want all commits in the log to be
signed (which means no rebasing), and those who don't want any merge
commits in the log (which means always rebasing unless you are REALLY
fast).  Anybody who wants to chip in on this one feel free to do so -
I would like to but haven't gotten around to it yet.


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