On 14/07/2013 18:42, Peter Stuge wrote:
> I bet you a tasty beverage that it will grow over time! :)

I don't believe in the future until I can see it. I'm pretty sure that's
the same thing that they said about app-antivirus at some point (can
somebody _kill_ that category please?!)

> So your number is 20. My number and the number of at least one other
> is lower.

Yes, but unlike you, I'm a developer that needs to pick up the pieces.

>> and a roguelike would *not* fit in the genre to begin with.
> Says you, while I and at least one other say that such a game does
> have strong focus on adventure/exploration.

So either Matt is right or you should really refrain to posting without
having a clue about what is being discussed.

**We have a frigging games-roguelike category!**

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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