On 4 August 2013 09:56, Alex Xu <alex_y...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Minor grammar/typographical errata:
> On 04/08/13 12:53 AM, Mike Pagano wrote:
>> The Gentoo Kernel Team will no longer be providing stable vanilla-sources
>> kernels. All currently stabilized vanilla-sources versions will be dropped
>> to ~arch. The Arch teams, via normal requests of the Kernel Team, will
>> continue to stabilize gentoo-sources kernels upon request. This decision is
>> based on the facts that upstream is now releasing approximately 1-2 vanilla-
> try not to wrap vanilla-sources on the hyphen if possible
>> sources kernels a week. Arch teams, understandable, are unable to keep up 
>> with
> s/understandable/understandably/
>> this rate of release.  As most vanilla releases contain security fixes, the
>> user who only runs stable vanilla-sources will consistently be behind and
>> potentially at risk.  For the latest upstream non Gentoo patched vanilla
> s/non Gentoo patched/non-Gentoo-patched/ or "upstream kernel unpatched
> by Gentoo"
>> kernel, we recommend user add 'sys-kernel/vanilla-sources' to their
> s/user add/adding/;s/their/the/ or similar; "recommend user add" is not
> grammatically correct

Make that: we recommend the user to add 'sys-kernel/vanilla-sources' to
their package.accept_keywords file.

(Note: "their" is perfectly correct usage as a gender-neutral reference to a
singular person.)

Alternatively: we recommend users to add ....

>> package.accept_keywords file.  Gentoo-sources will continue to be a tested 
>> and
> s/Gentoo-sources/gentoo-sources/
>> supported version for Gentoo users.
> s/\.  /. /g
> (or vice versa)


Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer

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