On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Tom Wijsman <tom...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Aug 2013 10:28:59 -0500
> William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Markos, to answer your question, there are folks on the team, and at
>> least one user, using OpenRc from git without issues, so as far as I
>> know there shouldn't be any breakage.
> A few team developers is not a large enough test base for an important
> package that is to be installed and ran on _hundreds to thousands_ of
> user systems; I think you could reword future warnings to invite people
> to unmask and test this important package version bump, and then state
> it will be unmasked in X days if nothing bad gets reported.

If a maintainer thinks that such a testing period is warranted they're
welcome to call for it.  However, I certainly wouldn't make it a
requirement for putting a package into ~arch - even a system package.
If hundreds to thousands of users are running ~arch, then that means
that we have hundreds to thousands of users who don't mind their
systems occasionally not booting after an upgrade.

Besides, who does an emerge -u world without first checking to see
what will be updated?  If I see openrc on the list I certainly don't
run the upgrade over ssh while I'm on vacation, and I always make a
binary package with config before doing so.

~arch is for testing.  That's what you sign up for if you run it.  You
ARE the volunteer.


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