On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Francesco R. <viv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rich, that made me smile, none of my remote machine has cvs since a
> _very_ long time say 2006.
> We are speaking of box that have troubles to emerging anything new, plus
> me and most of the internet barely remember cvs up  :)

You don't need to run cvs on the box that you're trying to update.
Just run it on a different box and create a tarball of the resulting

I couldn't tell you what the syntax for doing that is offhand, but I
imagine that it wouldn't take you much longer than it would take me to
read the manpage and figure it out.  If you're really stuck I'm sure
somebody would help you.

> I do highly appreciate the suggestion to keep a @system distfiles
> snapshot (once a year + portage snapshot would be a bone), but that it's
> not strictly needed, just a 40MB bzipped files on a public directory and
> maybe some change to the cron that wipe old files.

Personally I'd prefer to see a more standardized way of handling
non-upstream distfiles as well (probably not a tarball).  However,
Gentoo really isn't one of those distros that is ever going to be easy
to upgrade in-place if you only do it once a year or less often.
There are ways to do it, but they're going to be painful.


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