On 06/01/14 03:20 PM, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> This is a small feature request, but it will require a modification to
> PMS, so I describe it here.
> The present thirdpartymirrors file is unwieldy, and difficult to manage
> due to it's format with very long lines. It also doesn't permit easy
> comments. Presently commits to it look very ugly, because diffs are
> line-based, and we pack a lot into each line.
> I would like to make it a directory instead of a single file, and extend
> the internal syntax.

I like the idea, but I'm not too sure about the execution.

> 1. New location: $PROFILEDIR/thirdpartymirrors/$MIRRORNAME
> 1.1. The name of the mirror is now the name of the file.
> 1.2. We can have a file extension of .mirrors if somebody would like
>      that.
> 2. New format (for directory-mode):
> 2.1. Comments permitted, shell-style.
> 2.2. Blank lines ignored
> 2.3. One URL per line, optionally prefixed with "-" or "+"
> 2.4. For stack repos/overlays:
> 2.4.1. No prefix: replace all prior mirrors from masters with new URLS in 
> this file.
> 2.4.2. "-" prefix: remove this URL from the list from masters.
> 2.4.2. "+" prefix: append this URL to the list from masters.

So if *any* line doesn't have a prefix, then *everything* gets
overwritten? What about the prior mirrors listed in the file?

There needs to be some mechanism for specifying this, but I don't think
this is it.

Perhaps a header with a special line?

> 3. New format (for file-mode):
> 3.1. This is for cases where thirdpartymirrors is still a file.
> 3.2. The first token on a line remains the name of the mirror.
> 3.3. Each subsequent token may be prefixed with "+" or "-", and impacts
>      prior lines/masters.

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