On Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:18:24 +0100
René Neumann <li...@necoro.eu> wrote:
> And again: What is needed is streamlining the algorithms (discussion
> on that already started as far as I could notice). An algorithm in
> O(n³) is always¹ worse than O(n). The constant factor added by the

Full dependency resolution is NP-hard... If you really wanted to
streamline the algorithms, you'd change the inputs slightly. Most of
the complexity of doing a decent job of dependency resolution comes from
dealing with crap input.

> ¹ For a large enough n.

...which could be larger than the number of atoms in the universe.
There are real world cases where an algorithm has an O(n^3) step that
takes a day, and a O(2^n) step that takes a second for most inputs. You
shouldn't be using O() to make performance comparisons.

Ciaran McCreesh

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