On Tue, 2014-01-14 at 22:49 -0600, William Hubbs wrote:
> > Also, there is a substantial number of packages which contain only python 
> > code (or perl, ruby), or only LaTeX classes, or only documentation. It 
> > makes no sense to test them on each arch separately. I think maintainers 
> > should be allowed to stabilize such packages (with no compiled code) on 
> > all arches.
> There is a reason we don't do this, back in Gentoo history somewhere, but  I
> don't remember what it was.
> If someone can tell us why this isn't allowed I am all ears. Otherwise,
> I could agree on this point as well.

Speaking for ruby I have seen various arch-related bugs in pure ruby
code. It doesn't happen a lot (maybe 1% of stable requests) but it is
also not predictable.

I also like the second set of eyes verifying what we've done as part of
marking a package stable, so I probably would still file bugs rather
than marking stuff stable myself.


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