Alec Warner wrote:
> > hmm?
> To be fair, I had a long discussion with this regarding when QA has the
> authority to temporarily ban a developer.


> In the case where policy is missing, QA does not have a clear case
> of authority there. It becomes a more murky area. I've tried to
> very much encourage QA to both publish the policies they want to
> enforce, and automate enforcement with better tooling (repoman or
> otherwise). Being transparent and consistent in enforcement of
> policy goes a long way for getting developers on your side.


> So in short, while one could read that passage as you did, I don't
> think that is their intention.

To be clear, I don't think so either.

Rich Freeman wrote:
> I was really happy to see a public notice of meeting and a published
> summary.

Yes, me too!

I still think it seems like QA could essentially introduce arbitrary
new policies and 2 weeks later be expected to effect them.

Fine when everyone agrees. Not so much at other times. The
responsibility is with QA to build support among the developers, and
I agree that the transparency goes a long way!


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