Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote:
> Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> > in its last session the Gentoo council decided that 30 days from now the 
> > entire profile tree will be updated to require EAPI=5 support. 
> > If you are running an installation that has not been updated for more than 
> > a 
> > year, you have to update your portage version to current stable now, and 
> > afterwards switch to a non-deprecated profile.
> I am 100% behind this idea and the council's decision, HOWEVER, I feel
> the most responsible way to transition would be to include a nice
> compressed "just before switch" portage snapshot.  A news item could be
> drafted, that is shown to all users of portage versions which do not
> support eapi5 which directs them to the snapshot which they may need to
> use to successfully upgrade their systems.
> I see exactly zero downside to doing this, so if whoever is going to
> actually do the editing of the profiles would like to work with me (to
> give me warning), I think I can manage the rest.

Excellent idea, and I'd just like to say "thanks muchly" on behalf of
some of those future users (i see a few of them from time to time, using
update, and this will make it much easier to support them, so on my
own behalf too.)

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