On 12 February 2014 07:04, Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> It's sad that people don't follow common sense (which happens to be the
> GNOME highlights)
> and that everything must be turned into a policy of somesort so people
> get it.
> Just make the gnome gtk3 policy the guideline if you must. It's just
> documenting common sense.

It seems that only the Gnome team regards this as common sense.
Others, such as the Qt team and QA regard the versioned useflag
solution as more sensible.

I think we can conclude that there is no perfect solution, and we
simply have different preferences.

That said, I'm not sure we absolutely need a policy. Though I would
agree it would be more elegant if we can solve this matter, to make it
easier to grasp by our users. In that case the QA proposal makes sense
to me.


Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer

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