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On 10/03/14 07:30 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> for bug 373219 [1], we are working on providing a functions.sh that
> does not rely on OpenRc so that people who are not using OpenRc
> can completely remove it from their systems.
> I can now report that gentoo-functions has been added to the tree.
> Also, I have opened a tracker [2] that explains how to change
> packages that source /etc/init.d/functions.sh. They should first
> check for the existence of /lib/gentoo/functions.sh and source
> that. If it doesn't exist, they should source
> /etc/init.d/functions.sh. Also, do not add hard dependencies to
> your packages on gentoo-functions. The goal is to add
> gentoo-functions to @system once it is stable.
> The quickest way to find things that will need this fix is to rm 
> /etc/init.d/functions.sh and file bugs against things that break
> and make them block the tracker.

- From what I remember about conversations on this in the past, and
hopefully vapier can confirm, the de-facto location for this script is
supposed to be /etc/init.d/functions.sh.  Was there a general
consensus on the approval of that location change?  I still think, at
worst, we should ensure the gentoo-functions script installs a symlink
here (possibly taking over the one installed by openrc, if openrc
still installs one)

That said, I'm certainly fine with having all package-installed
scripts use the /lib/ location and depending directly on this new package.

Also, just to confirm, this new path is compatible with the einfo
package used as part of Prefix, yes?  Or other arrangements have been
made (ie, the einfo package will be dropped from baselayout-prefix)?

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