On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> We have a git repo now.  We can generate one at any time.  We still
> don't have infra tools.
> I don't know if the repo is published anywhere, but there are plenty
> of bundles on dev.gentoo.org:/space/git-work/

So, if anybody does want to play around with Gentoo in git:

This is just a snapshot from Feb.

As a side note, it took about 10min to push to github, then git sat
around waiting to terminate for 7min more before the remote side
dropped the connection.  At that point it appeared to have failed, but
a few hours later everything was there.  I'm sure the admins over at
github are cursing my name.

We need to get all the migration utility code published as well.  My
validation scripts are on github, with instructions on the wiki.


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