Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov:
> My idea is to allow failing for some patches without breaking build at all. 
> And, in parallel, to 
> add groupping.
> How I imagine that:
> etc/portage/patches/app-cat/<name>/
>     |
>     | - group_name/
>     |     |
>     |     |- 01_foo.patch
>     |     |- 02_bar.patch
>     |     |- <...>
>     |
>     |- 01_moo.patch
>     |- 99_meow.patch
> Where every first-level piece (patch or group) in 
> ```etc/portage/patches/app-cat/<name>/``` MAY 
> tolerably fail (not causing "die" for emerge), but if one of the patches 
> inside the group fails, then 
> group MUST NOT be applied at all (and all previously applied patches from 
> this group MUST be 
> reversed).
> Any objections/approvals/suggestions?

How does epatch know if I want a patch to cause "|| die" or not?

The only use case I see here is "don't want to clean up old patches".

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