Rich Freeman:
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Michał Górny <> wrote:
>> Dnia 2014-09-14, o godz. 10:33:03
>> With git, we can finally do stuff like preparing everything and pushing
>> in one go. Rebasing or merging will be much easier then, since
>> the effective push rate will be smaller than current commit rate.
> While I agree that the ability to consolidate commits will definitely
> help with the commit rate, I'm not sure it will make a big difference.
> It will turn a kde stablereq from 300 commits into 1, and do the same
> for things like package moves and such.  However, I suspect that the
> vast majority of our commits are things like bumps on individual
> packages that will always be individual commits.  Maybe insofar as one
> person does a bunch of them they can be pushed at the same time,
> but...
> Looking at it seems
> like we get about 150 commits/day on busy days.  I suspect that isn't
> evenly distributed, but you may be right that it will just work out.

If the push frequency becomes so high that people barely get stuff
pushed because of conflicts, then we simply have to say goodbye to the
central repository workflow and have to establish a hierarchy where only
a handful of people have direct push access and the rest is worked out
through pull requests to project leads or dedicated reviewers.

So the merging and rebasing work would then be done by fewer people
instead of every single developer.

But given that currently project leads may or may not be active I'm not
sure that I'd vote for such a workflow. And I don't think we need that
yet (although enforced review workflow is ofc superior in many ways).

Let's try it with push access for every developer.

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