Hello, everyone.

Diego has given me a pretty neat machine to do some git testing, so I
have a few repos for you to play with. But first some status update.

I have four public repos now:

1. history.git -- that contains cvs2git conversion made by rich0 with
some followup cleanup commits. You basically don't want that since it's
huge :). But if you really want to, you should be able to use 'git
replace' to attach it to the dev repo.

2. dev.git -- the main development repository. It starts with squashed
tree of history.git, and that's where developers commit ebuild changes
and stuff. It comes with the update hook that makes sure commits
on master are signed and so on. Currently, signature validation uses
pre-defined key list.

3. user.git -- user syncing repository. It is auto-synced to dev.git
and some other repos (gentoo-news, glsas, herds.xml, dtds), and has
auto-generated metadata cache. Intended to be read-only.

4. rsync.git -- repository used to feed rsync. It is auto-synced to
user.git, with modified layout.conf and thickened and signed Manifests.
No ChangeLogs at the moment. Read-only as well.

The auto-syncing scripts are pulling after each push and every 10
minutes. Best case, your commit shows up in rsync.git in <2 minutes.

The three latter repos are also mirrored to github:

2. https://github.com/gx86-git-test/gx86-test-dev
3. https://github.com/gx86-git-test/gx86-test-user
4. https://github.com/gx86-git-test/gx86-test-rsync

GitHub mirrors are read-only and auto-updated. You can submit pull
requests to dev repo but developers will be supposed to pull them in
locally rather than through github.

Access to main repos goes through SSH currently. If you want it, please
send me your public SSH key in a GPG signed mail. Since this is just
a testing repo, you don't have to be a developer to have it. Note that
this requires IPv6 currently, so get a tunnel if you don't have one
yet :).

Read-only access preferred through github (to offload our server). For
populating rsync mirrors, I'm planning to support two methods:

a. using git repo -- git pull in directory used for rsync :),

b. using rsync -- more space-efficient, slower, non-atomic. Does not
work since I didn't set up rsync daemon on the server yet :).

Current versions of my server scripts:
- https://github.com/mgorny/git-gx86-tools

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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