On 24/10/14 19:12, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> bug 513386 - net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.3 - ./.libs/libwebkitgtk-3.0.so:
> undefined reference to `_ZNSt6chrono12steady_clock3nowEv@GLIBCXX_3.4.17'
> -> This is a problem.  It relates to abi mismatching with libstdc++.

The ABI mismatch is due the library not being versioned properly as "usual"?

> The bug details how you can hit it in gentoo. Martin von Gagern pushed
> the issue upstream and pretty much got the answer "we're on our own"  So
> we'll have to deal with this as we go forward.
> Seehttps://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61758

Not sure if the llvm C++ runtime might help here or it is any better
than the one provided by gnu, but might be a good time to gather
volunteers to provide a mean to use clang as main compiler out of box.

Being on your own is not an answer I like to hear. Nor the whole
approach to the discussion.


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