
Please review the attached future.eclass. Long story short, the idea is
to provide some of the EAPI 6 feel to EAPI 5 ebuilds.

Quoting the beginning of the DESCRIPTION:

# This eclass contains backports of functions that were accepted
# by the Council for the EAPI following the EAPI used by ebuild,
# and can be implemented in pure shell script.
# The goals of the eclass are to:
# 1. provide wider testing of Portage implementations of the next EAPI
# functions,
# 2. allows developer to use some of the features of the next EAPI
# before it is approved production-ready and implemented in Portage
# for long enough,
# 3. improve EAPI migration time through allowing some of the ebuild
# updates earlier,
# 4. reduce the necessity of inheriting large, complex and frequently
# changing eclasses whenever possible.

and the feature list:

# Currently implemented EAPI 6 features for EAPI 5:
# 1. get_libdir() #463586, simpler than in multilib.eclass;
# 2. einstalldocs() #459862, does not use dohtml as eutils.eclass does;
# 3. eapply() #463768;
# 4. eapply_user() #475288;
# 5. new default src_prepare() & src_install() exported;
# 6. einstall() is banned #524112 [may be non-portable];
# 7. dohtml() is deprecated #520546 [may be non-portable].

Best regards,
Michał Górny
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $

# @ECLASS: future.eclass
# mgo...@gentoo.org
# @BLURB: backports of functions accepted for the next EAPI
# This eclass contains backports of functions that were accepted
# by the Council for the EAPI following the EAPI used by ebuild,
# and can be implemented in pure shell script.
# The goals of the eclass are to:
# 1. provide wider testing of Portage implementations of the next EAPI
# functions,
# 2. allows developer to use some of the features of the next EAPI
# before it is approved production-ready and implemented in Portage
# for long enough,
# 3. improve EAPI migration time through allowing some of the ebuild
# updates earlier,
# 4. reduce the necessity of inheriting large, complex and frequently
# changing eclasses whenever possible.
# Please note that the eclass is meant to support the newest EAPI only.
# At the time, this means that EAPI=5 ebuilds will get some EAPI=6
# features through it but EAPI=4 ebuilds are supposed to use EAPI=5
# directly.
# If a function declared in the next EAPI collides with eclass-defined
# function (e.g. get_libdir() in EAPI 6 and multilib.eclass),
# the future.eclass version is used whenever it is inherited later.
# Otherwise, the implementation can be accessed using 'future_' prefix.
# It is generally recommended to inherit future after those other
# eclasses, or not inherit those eclasses at all.
# Note to future maintainers: please don't add support for new EAPIs
# before the contents of a subsequent EAPI are approved by the Council
# and implemented in Portage.
# Currently implemented EAPI 6 features for EAPI 5:
# 1. get_libdir() #463586, simpler than in multilib.eclass;
# 2. einstalldocs() #459862, does not use dohtml as eutils.eclass does;
# 3. eapply() #463768;
# 4. eapply_user() #475288;
# 5. new default src_prepare() & src_install() exported;
# 6. einstall() is banned #524112 [may be non-portable];
# 7. dohtml() is deprecated #520546 [may be non-portable].

if [[ -z ${_FUTURE_ECLASS} ]]; then

case "${EAPI:-0}" in
        5) ;;
        *) die "EAPI ${EAPI:-0} is not supported by future.eclass.";;


# (run outside the guard for expectable behavior w/ indirect inherits)

# multilib.eclass collisions
get_libdir() { future_get_libdir "${@}"; }
# eutils.eclass collisions
einstalldocs() { future_einstalldocs "${@}"; }

EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_prepare src_install

if [[ -z ${_FUTURE_ECLASS} ]]; then


# @FUNCTION: get_libdir
# @RETURN: the libdir for the selected ABI
# Return the proper libdir for the selected ABI, fallback to 'lib'.
# The implementation is based on the implementation used in econf PMS
# function. However, this one returns 'lib' whenever the econf
# implementation would not pass --libdir.
# Note: if multilib.eclass is inherited after future.eclass,
# the implementation can be accessed as future_get_libdir.
future_get_libdir() {
        local libdir_var="LIBDIR_${ABI}"
        local libdir="lib"

        [[ -n ${ABI} && -n ${!libdir_var} ]] && libdir=${!libdir_var}

        echo "${libdir}"

# @FUNCTION: einstalldocs
# Install documentation using DOCS and HTML_DOCS.
# If DOCS is declared and non-empty, all files and directories listed
# in it are installed. The files must exist, otherwise the function
# will fail.
# If DOCS is not declared, the files matching patterns given
# in the default EAPI implementation of src_install will be installed.
# If this is undesired, DOCS can be set to empty value to prevent any
# documentation from being installed.
# If HTML_DOCS is declared and non-empty, all files and/or directories
# listed in it are installed in the 'html' subdirectory (using dodoc).
# Both DOCS and HTML_DOCS can either be an array or a whitespace-
# separated list. Whenever directories are allowed, '<directory>/.' may
# be specified in order to install all files within the directory
# without creating a sub-directory in docdir.
# Passing additional options to dodoc is not supported. If you need
# such a thing, you need to call those helpers explicitly.
# Note: if eutils.eclass is inherited after future.eclass,
# the implementation can be accessed as future_einstalldocs.
future_einstalldocs() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"

                docinto .
                if ! declare -p DOCS &>/dev/null ; then
                        local d
                        for d in README* ChangeLog AUTHORS NEWS TODO CHANGES \
                                        THANKS BUGS FAQ CREDITS CHANGELOG ; do
                                [[ -s ${d} ]] && dodoc "${d}"
                elif [[ $(declare -p DOCS) == "declare -a"* ]] ; then
                        [[ ${DOCS[@]} ]] && dodoc -r "${DOCS[@]}"
                        [[ ${DOCS} ]] && dodoc -r ${DOCS}

                docinto html
                if [[ $(declare -p HTML_DOCS 2>/dev/null) == "declare -a"* ]] ; 
                        [[ ${HTML_DOCS[@]} ]] && dodoc -r "${HTML_DOCS[@]}"
                        [[ ${HTML_DOCS} ]] && dodoc -r ${HTML_DOCS}

        return 0

# @FUNCTION: eapply
# @USAGE: [<patch-options>... [--]] <file|dir>...
# Apply the specified patches to the files in the current directory.
# Files listed are applied independently of the name. If directories
# are listed, all *.diff & *.patch directly inside the directory are
# applied. It is an error to specify a directory with no matching files.
# If necessary, additional 'patch' command options can be passed before
# the path list. Each option parameter must start with '-' (i.e. long
# options that require a value need to passes as e.g. --foo=bar),
# and '--' can be used to terminate the option list.
# The command defaults to applying patches with -p1. If another
# stripping value is necessary, it should be passed as patch option.
eapply() {
        _eapply_patch() {
                local f=${1}
                local prefix=${2}

                ebegin "${prefix:-Applying }${f##*/}"
                # -p1 as a sane default
                # -f to avoid interactivity
                # -s to silence progress output
                patch -p1 -f -s "${patch_options[@]}" < "${f}"
                if ! eend ${?}; then
                        die "patch -p1 ${patch_options[*]} failed with ${f}"

        local f patch_options=() failed started_applying options_terminated
        for f; do
                if [[ ${f} == -* && -z ${options_terminated} ]]; then
                        if [[ -n ${started_applying} ]]; then
                                die "eapply: options need to be specified 
before files"
                        if [[ ${f} == -- ]]; then
                                patch_options+=( ${f} )
                elif [[ -d ${f} ]]; then
                        _eapply_get_files() {
                                local LC_ALL=POSIX
                                local prev_shopt=$(shopt -p nullglob)
                                shopt -s nullglob
                                files=( "${f}"/*.{patch,diff} )

                        local files
                        [[ -z ${files[@]} ]] && die "No *.{patch,diff} files in 
directory ${f}"

                        einfo "Applying patches from ${f} ..."
                        local f2
                        for f2 in "${files[@]}"; do
                                _eapply_patch "${f2}" '  '
                        _eapply_patch "${f}"

        return 0

# @FUNCTION: eapply_user
# Apply the user patches from standard Portage locations. The patches
# are applied using eapply functions with standard patch options.
eapply_user() {
        local basedir=${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT%/}/etc/portage/patches

        local d applied
        # possibilities:
        # 1. ${CATEGORY}/${P}-${PR} (note: -r0 desired to avoid applying
        #    ${P} twice)
        # 2. ${CATEGORY}/${P}
        # 3. ${CATEGORY}/${PN}
        # all of the above may be optionally followed by a slot
        for d in 
"${basedir}"/${CATEGORY}/{${P}-${PR},${P},${PN}}{,:${SLOT%/*}}; do
                if [[ -d ${d} ]]; then
                        eapply "${d}"

        [[ -n ${applied} ]] && ewarn "User patches applied."


# @FUNCTION: future_src_prepare
# src_prepare() implementation matching the default for EAPI 6.
# Applies patches from PATCHES array or whitespace-separated list,
# and user patches afterwards.
future_src_prepare() {
        if [[ $(declare -p PATCHES) == "declare -a"* ]]; then
                eapply "${PATCHES[@]}"
        elif [[ -n ${PATCHES} ]]; then
                eapply ${PATCHES}


# @FUNCTION: future_src_install
# src_install() implementation matching the default for EAPI 6.
# Runs emake DESTDIR=${D} install as usual, and uses future_einstalldocs
# to install the documentation afterwards.
future_src_install() {
        if [[ -f Makefile || -f GNUmakefile || -f makefile ]] ; then
                emake DESTDIR="${D}" install



# @FUNCTION: einstall
# Force termination due to einstall being banned.
einstall() {
        die "einstall is banned in EAPI 6+ (and therefore with future.eclass)"


# @FUNCTION: __future_copy_functions
# Create local __future_old_<function> aliases for original EAPI
# functions.
__future_copy_functions() {
        local f func

        for f in dohtml; do
                case "$(type -t "${f}")" in
                                func=$(declare -f "${f}")
                                eval "__future_old_${f}${func#${f}}"
                                func=$(type -P "${f}")
                                eval "__future_old_${f}() { \"${func}\" 
\"\${@}\"; }"

if declare -f __future_old_dohtml &>/dev/null; then
        dohtml() {
                if [[ -z ${__future_dohtml_warned+1} ]]; then
                        ewarn "dohtml is deprecated in EAPI 6 (and therefore 
with future.eclass"
                __future_old_dohtml "${@}"


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