
I had some time to resolve the long outstanding issue I had with loosing
upower to systemd.

The only feature I personally had was the battery monitor stopped working,
yes, I did not install pm-utils either...

So after few times my battery went empty while I worked... decided that
enough is enough and I need to learn how to write kde plasmoid.

Documentation of kde plasmoid is not great, especially when using scripts,
but after looking on various of valid examples, I managed to produce a new
battery monitor[1][2] which is very simple and looks decent.

All that it does is once per interval read the /status and /capacity and
update the images within widget, it does not create a load nor adds

Install to user home by:

$ plasmapkg -i kbatsysfs-1.0.0.plasmoid

I hope someone will find this useful,

[1] http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kbatsysfs?content=168436
[2] https://github.com/alonbl/kbatsysfs

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