El sáb, 17-01-2015 a las 19:35 +0800, Patrick Lauer escribió:
> * stable genkernel still doesn't enable all useful kernel features
>    e.g. accounting statistics are absent, so iotop doesn't work ootb
>    See for example #442936 (from 2012 ?!)
>    Fix: Stable newer versions

I see there isn't even any stable bug report for that, is anyone major
blocking newer versions to be stabilized? 

> * AutoRepoman catches issues, but no one but me seems to care
>     Fix: Remind people of 
> http://packages.gentooexperimental.org/repoman-current-issues.txt
>     Fix: Make it yell louder? It currently reports on IRC to #gentoo-{bugs,qa}

Maybe some warnings could be raised to fatal to prevent to commit them
(that shouldn't be a problem as that are usually easy to fix problems).
For example, the dodoc "LICENSE" stuff and WANT_AUTOCONF=latest

> * mail archives have been broken since 2012
>     Fix: get infra to either fix it, or provide enough information that it 
> can 
>     be fixed. See https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424647#c27

Is there any advantage of setting them up again instead of relying on
other existing external resources? :/

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