On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 08:31:45PM +0100, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hello,
> As we've discussed multiple times, the following kind of dependencies
> is completely broken and can't work:
>   || ( media-libs/libav:= media-libs/ffmpeg:= )
> For this reason, I would like to employ the solution used by Exherbo.
> More specifically, use:
>   libav? ( media-libs/libav:= )
>   !libav? ( media-libs/ffmpeg:= )

Is this going to be wrapped in a ffmpeg ? ( ) block?
What happens if I want libav and not ffmpeg and i set "-ffmpeg libav" in
make.conf? Does that mean I get nothing? cuz that is pretty

-- Jason

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