At the suggestion of radhermit, I'm putting my neovim & deps ebuilds
up here for review, before I commit them to the official tree. Do you
see any possible improvements?

Right now the neovim ebuild does not install any global default nvimrc
like we do with vim. We should probably consider doing so. Also, I'm
looking for the best way to let neovim use the vim plugins we install
in $VIMRUNTIME (such as gentoo-syntax).

The ebuilds are available in my personal dev overlay, and I'm
attaching them to this mail.

Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer

Attachment: neovim-0.0.0_pre20150220.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: libtermkey-0.17.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: msgpack-0.6.0_pre20150220.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: unibilium-1.1.1.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lua-MessagePack-0.3.2.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: neovim-python-client-0.0.28.ebuild
Description: Binary data

Attachment: trollius-1.0.4.ebuild
Description: Binary data

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