On 23 February 2015 at 14:17, Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov <m...@mva.name> wrote:
> I'd also say:
> neovim:
>> CDEPEND="dev-lang/luajit
>> <...>
>>       dev-lua/LuaBitOp
> 1) I'm not sure luajit:1 fits the dep
> 2) LuaJIT:2 has it's own bit modules and is unneded LuaBitOp

Thanks! I don't know that much about lua, so this is very helpful.

> Unibilium:
> 1.1.2 made a day ago. Bump, please ;)

Already on it.

> lua-MessagePack:
>> RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/lua-5.1"
> And what about LuaJIT? Huh?

Yeah, but I just followed what I found upstream.

> Also, I've it in lua overlay, called dev-lua/messagepack, though. Naming can
> be discussed.

I don't mind either way. But again, I just followed upstream.

> But main point is:
>>    !luajit? (
>>        !lua53? (
>>            || (
>>                =dev-lang/lua-5.1*
>>                =dev-lang/lua-5.2*
>>            )
>>        )
>>        lua53? ( =dev-lang/lua-5.3* )
>>    )
>>    luajit?  ( dev-lang/luajit:2 )
>> <...>
>>src_install() {
>>    local lua=lua
>>    use luajit && lua=luajit
>>    insinto "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable INSTALL_LMOD ${lua})"
>>    if use lua53; then
>>        doins src5.3/MessagePack.lua
>>    else
>>        doins src/MessagePack.lua
>>    fi

Thanks. But I think we can simplify that for now, since lua53 isn't
available (neither in the official tree or the lua overlay) and
>=lua-5.2 is hardmasked.


Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer

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