On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> TL;DR:  (1) Please consider either making Documentation a top-level-menu
> link (preferable), or at least change Support to Support and
> Documentation.  (2) On the documentation lander page, add a "one big
> list" link to a browser-keyword-searchable list of docs, like the old
> docs project page had.

File a bug, the bug tracker is at https://bugs.gentoo.org. I believe there
is even a specific component for the website.

> Looking for the news glep to double-check the title header max char limit
> (for the shorewall news-item thread was the first time I've had to use
> the new website.
> I *HATE* it!  It's a NIGHTMARE to navigate, compared to the old one!
> There's all this nice fuzzy buzzword bingo, but actually FINDING anything
> like DOCUMENTATION is an exercise in frustration!
> OK, no direct docs link.  Well, "getting started" should have a nice
> documentation link, since you don't get far on gentoo without docs... No,
> not there...  Well then, "learn more" CERTAINLY must lead to
> documentation allowing you to do just that!... BLECH!!!  NO!!!  Nothing
> there but more buzzword bingo (and a contact link and links to share more
> of my interests with privacy-insensitive corporations that already know
> too much about me at the bottom).  OK, OK, Get involved must SURELY have
> that doc link, since people will need some documentation in ordered to do
> so!... Ugh, another rabbit trail... Oh, DUH!  Must be under SUPPORT!  OK,
> there it is!
> But even if I KNOW to look under support, it's STILL two clicks to
> documentation, where it WAS just one!
> And once on the documentation page, again, a whole bunch of fuzzy
> categories!  Where's the "one big list" link, where a simple browser
> keyword search will immediately find the document for configuring gentoo
> for whatever fancy technology you're wanting to get up and running, be it
> something fancy like mdraid or lvm, or more basic like one's init system
> of choice or sound or OpenGL?
> But at least put a nice direct one-click link to docs direct on the front
> page.  Please?

No need to shout.

> (Tho unless it's directly in the main copy, I guess it'd still be two,
> since you have to click that weird icon with no actual words saying it's
> a menu, to open that, before you actually click what you want... *IF* you
> can actually find or guess what it's called... on the waaayyy too vague
> menu.)
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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