On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Jack Morgan <jmor...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I'm hoping to get some feedback from the community as to what should be
> supported and what can be reduced. My overall plan as I mentioned in a
> previous email to reduce the total number of keywords for ia64 to a more
> manageable level. I'd like to continue to have ia64 be a stable arch for
> gentoo for as long as it makes sense.

For example, you could choose to skip keywording Qt5... as more and
more apps and Qt-based libraries transition from Qt4 to Qt5, the
number of keyworded/stable packages will also drop for ia64, since you
will gradually lose all packages that have become Qt5-only.

If you're looking for an immediate reduction of ia64 packages, you can
go a step further and drop Qt4 keywording as well (maybe with the
exception of dev-qt/qtcore which is needed by some non-GUI apps),
especially considering that ia64 is server-oriented, and that all your
machines don't have a video card.

These are just some random suggestions; if the ia64 arch team is
interested, let us (the qt team) know so that we can figure out the
details together.


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