On 06 Jun 2015 12:17, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> >>>>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2015, Michał Górny wrote:
> > Visual space is what you set in your editor. Which also gives tab
> > the advantage that you can set it to something good for you, like
> > 'more than 2 spaces so that it is readable'.
> *If* we should agree on using tabs, then we should also standardise
> the tab width. Using the same rules for indenting and whitespace as
> for ebuilds (i.e., tab stops every four positions) suggests itself:
> https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/file-format/index.html#indenting-and-whitespace

if there's any standard at all for metadata.xml, it should be the same as 
ebuilds.  there's no reason to deviate.

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