On 06/29/2015 11:25 PM, Zac Medico wrote:
> Considering that Go binaries are statically linked, you'll end up with a
> bunch of Go libraries installed that you don't need during run-time.

They'll eventually give this up, because everyone does when their
language starts seeing serious use. I won't pretend that's a real
argument though.

Suppose ten years from now everything is written in Go. I have 500
statically linked Go packages on my system, all of whose dependencies
were built and compiled-in at install time. Now someone finds a remote
root vulnerability in the go-openssl library. I know some of the
packages I have installed were built against it. What do I do?

At least with the useless dev-go/go-openssl installed, I can use
subslots to rebuild everything after an upgrade to the fixed version.

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