Hash: SHA512

On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 23:06:03 -0400
NP-Hardass <np-hard...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 07/16/2015 09:25 PM, Brian Dolbec wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 21:13:09 -0400 NP-Hardass
> > <np-hard...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > 
> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
> > 
> >> Not sure if this has been covered in some of the rather long
> >> chains of late, but I was thinking about GPG signing, and how the
> >> proposed workflow requires every developer to sign their commits.
> >> Currently, it's advised that every manifest be signed.  As far as
> >> I know, there are a number that are not.  When a manifest is
> >> signed, the author is saving a state, and providing a means to
> >> check it has not changed.
> > 
> >> Additionally, I feel that a signature is a means of acknowledging
> >> that a package has been looked over, and that developer has
> >> stated that they approve of the existing state.  I'm not sure if
> >> others agree with that sentiment, but if anyone does, my question
> >> is, how does the conversion process to git handle these packages,
> >> where the manifests are not signed.  Is there an intention to
> >> blanket cover all packages when we switch to git?  Will these
> >> packages be copied over directly and still maintain their
> >> unsigned manifest (I think this is unlikely as I read that there
> >> would be a switch to thin manifests, requiring regeneration)? If
> >> the community doesn't view the signature of the manifest as I
> >> just described, then a blanket signing would be fine.
> > 
> >> Would appreciate your thoughts either way, as I could be
> >> overthinking the issue :P
> > 
> >> - -- NP-Hardass
> > 
> > 
> > No, with the git working tree, we will switch to thin manifests and
> > the entire commit will be signed.  Not only that, but the push to
> > the main server will also be signed (a push may contain commits
> > signed by a different person that the person pushing).
> > 
> > For the regular rsync tree, Full manifests will be regenerated as 
> > needed and signed by a common infra supplied gpg key.  So for
> > general users, it will be easy to verify without having all gentoo
> > devs gpg keys.  That will be different for users of the git tree.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Ah ha. so, with thin manifests, we as devs don't sign the manifest, me
> sign the commit.

Yes, you sign all changes made by that commit.

In CVS this was not possible, so the best workaround was a 2 stage
commit, where the initial changes were committed, then repoman updated
and signed the new Manifest and committed that.

> The infra key for the user facing tree makes sense.  Thanks for
> filling me in.  So, will infra  be using that key to do the initial
> commit to the repo?

I don't know tbh, most are already signed, with the git migration, the
strongly recommended commit signing will become MANDATORY.

So, we are at 50 devs with valid gpg keys now, with 200 more gpg keys
listed in LDAP that fail to meet the new spec.  PLEASE fix them or
create new keys...

> Are there plans to the make the repo, w/ metadata and signed by infra,
> available to end users as a rsync alternative?

Yes, there will be an anonymous git mirror/server for general
consumption. But I believe there again, a user using it will have to
get the gentoo-devs seed file and install those keys in order to
validate it for themselves.

- -- 
Brian Dolbec <dolsen>

Version: GnuPG v2.1


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