On 31 August 2015 at 00:15, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
> In theory it can, but my experience is that in practice it doesn't
> change very often.
>> sometimes the metadata visible on the CPAN sources is also wrong,
>> and requires an experienced developer to chase its tail to work out
>> where it currently is.
> Sounds like a task that the ebuild maintainer can solve?

It can be done, just there are annoying edge cases where it doesn't
work and any metadata will be wrong.

- There are upstreams where there is no real contact address
- There are upstreams where using automatically discernable defaults
will get you a default that will get anyone who uses that contact
address "Yelled at".
- There are upstreams where the documented bug tracker in the
discoverable metadata is wrong, and will require a new release to fix.
- There are upstreams whos bug tracker I would *never* refer a user
to, for instance, bug trackers on sourceforge are enough to make me go
"Is there somewhere else I can throw my reports?" ( My ad blockers now
block that whole domain due to its track record of being a safe haven
to malware and deceptive advertising )

And the problem with the "Not a reliable data" is that you can't
discover it until its a problem.

Which means it won't be known its a problem until a user attempts to use it.

Which means we're telling users to resolve a bug in resolving bug
trackers before they can resolve a bug.

My favourite class of these at present are the ones who were foolish
enough to use Google Code for bug tracking, as the metadata for many
projects *still* says its viable, and you follow the link and get a
403, and some of these don't *actually* have a decided upon
alternative yet. I've just been tracking down the authors and doing it
manually, or digging into the data to find their source control is
mirrored on github and there's a defacto collection of people who have
started filing bugs there instead, but its not authoritative yet.

Yes, cases like these are exceptions, but they're exceptions that
cause serious user confusion every time they happen.

For a namespace like dev-perl/ and perl-core/, we could automate
provisioning "an upstream" bug tracker for 90% of cases. But the
remaining 10% that was provisioned from metadata would be wrong, and a
sentience of some kind would be required to work out which 5% was
wrong, and *not* to rely on the automated provisioning.

And there are some authors on CPAN who I would institute a custom
black hole stipulating that they should *only* contact gentoo about
bugs and *never* upstream, because upstream have a marked track record
of setting people who report their bugs on fire *due* to them being
gentoo users.

Its cool that there are lots of upstream who are capable and willing
to deal with gentoo users directly. But the odds of a gentoo user
assuming any upstream able /willing to be responsive and them getting
unhelpful responses and the Gentoo user not realising they needed
flame retardant clothing, makes me want to suggest a system wherein
direct upstream contact by Gentoo users should be something decided
upon based on the gentoo users technical competence.

If for example, a Gentoo user is able to function at the level
expected of a Gentoo developer, and are able to dig into the problem
sufficient to isolate and comprehend the problem in a systems agnostic
way, or at least express how and why Gentoo changes the behaviour of a
system, then by all means, going straight to upstream should be fine,
and they can ask for a revision bump once the problem is fixed, and if
they're feeling generous, put a copy of their issue on bgo with
possible solutions, because that is where gentoo users look first.

But we shouldn't expect this level of performance from all users, and
we should be capable and willing to try helping the less capable with
reporting their issues to upstream.

Some of this is just basic due dilligence, making sure the user has
even reported the right information.

If a user isn't able to provide information to gentoo sufficient that
gentoo can even identify that a bug is in fact happening, they're just
going to be irritating upstream, because upstream won't be able to
easily plumb the gentoo specifics to make sure they haven't just done
something dumb that gentoo has already put guards against that the
user has unwittingly disabled.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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