On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:39 PM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> iputils is currently in @system for everyone.  by default, it only
> installs `ping`.  do we feel strongly enough about this to require
> all systems include it ?  or should this wait for the long idea of
> releasing stage4's instead of stage3's ?

IMO this should certainly be installed by default, but it should also
not be a part of the @system set unless portage depends on it or
something like that.

Thus this should probably wait until we start releasing stage4s.

The fact that everybody wants a package to be installed shouldn't be a
reason to put it in the @system set.  It should instead be a reason to
have some tool other than the @system set to give everybody what they
want.  We need one set for the stuff that everybody agrees is
indispensable (@tbd), and a different set for the minimum set of
software (@system) you need to bootstrap the rest of the packages in
the repo.


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