On 12/14/2015 02:58 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 5:48 AM, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
>> The key point to remember is that it is NOT neccessary to be part of
>> the team in order to contribute solutions. You *first* contribute
>> solutions and only *then* have a chance of becoming part of the team.
>> I for one am working in my non-existant spare time on a fast
>> ChangeLog generator.
> ++, and thanks.
> I was actually trying to think beyond this point though.  Right now we
> have lots of infra stuff that the infra team would probably love to
> publish except there is no easy way to do it without creating security
> issues (intermixing of credentials and code, etc).  We have a few devs
> who have access to all of it, but their time needs to be split between
> keeping the current state working, and trying to build some future
> state which is easier to contribute to.  For the rest of our part, we
> do need to put up and start building things.
> So, how do we get from that to a future state where our infra servers
> have public backups or whatever minus /etc/credentials.include and
> /var/spool/private-email and so on?  That is, a future state where the
> default is open with necessary exceptions?  And how do we do it with
> what we have, or are able to get?
> I just want to be constructive.  Clearly the first step is to
> acknowledge that the onus is on those who really want to see change to
> chip in to make it happen.  We have to be here to serve - this is a
> volunteer FOSS project.
Y'know ...

If I had access to things I could help. But I don't, so I can't.

The rather obvious solutions seem to be politically impossible, and the
politically possible solutions are not satisfactory.

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