On 12/22/2015 03:04 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> Do you want to see this fixed?
>>> Are you willing to do the fixing yourself?
>> I don't have infinite time, and wasting a day documenting things that
>> should have been documented a year ago is not a good way of spending time.
> So, it sounds like the answer to the first question is yes, and the
> second is no...
I shouldn't have to clean up other people's mess. I mean, cleaning up
after toddlers is ok, but, well ... sigh.
Are any of you toddlers? :D

>>> If the answer to the first question is yes, and the second is no, then
>>> you've just volunteered for the job of either community motivator, or
>>> frustrated user.  The goal then is to make people care more about
>>> going out of their way to fix things than going out of their way to
>>> find ways to make you even more frustrated.  Which do you think is
>>> going to be more emotionally satisfying to those who read this thread?
>> Things working.
>> So, the trick is not to have user-visible breakage.
>> Now you know the great trick too and can apply it to your daily life.
> Yeah, but if I don't lift a finger to help fix this bug, I know it
> will drive you crazy for a few more days, or even months.  That's
> basically my point.  You're basically begging everybody who would
> otherwise want to fix this issue to just troll you instead.  And that
> isn't helpful to anybody.
> You can't just wave your hands and have no user-visible breakage.  You
> either need to fix things yourself or help motivate others to do it.
> The approach you're taking is about as helpful as telling your
> significant other that they're fat.  After they're finished stabbing
> you to death with their spoon they're going to stick it in some Ben
> and Jerry's.
> Ugh, gotta take a break.  Happy holidays!
So here's the magic:

Create a file "keyspec.txt" containing something like:

%echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Key-Usage: sign
Expire-Date: 1y
Subkey-Type: RSA
Subkey-Length: 4096
Subkey-Usage: sign
Name-Real: Patrick Lauer
Name-Email: changet...@email.xyz
Passphrase: ThisIsBadPassphrayse
%echo done
Not that Name-* and Passphrase should be personalized (or Passphrase

Now make a backup of .gnupg because this will be destructive.
Do not run this command as a normal user unless you are sure you want to
overwrite the default keyring.

So now that we are sure that you don't accidentally all your keys (do
not run this for fun! This is a destructive command)

gpg --batch --gen-key keyspec.txt

Tadaah! (well, it'll take a few minutes, since gpg wants really sexy
entropy and takes its time to get there)

The part I haven't figured out yet is how to non-interactively set key
validity, so you will need to run a second command:

gpg --edit-key expire
and set validity to, say, 3 years, confirm, save, done.

(This mostly obsoletes the 500 lines of eyebleed that were gkeys-gen,
and it actually works. Do you understand why I'm feeling very confused
that something this trivial took over a year?!)

Time from start of RTFM to email: 1h.

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