In its last meeting the council has accepted an extension of the
news item format which allows EAPI=5 style package dependency
specifications. This has triggered a discussion if this change is
backwards or forwards compatible, and what should be the new format's
version number [1]. Also it is not entirely clear if the term
"backwards-compatible" used in GLEP 42 correctly describes what was
originally intended [2].

In any case, both portage [3] and paludis [4] will have to be updated
for the new format because the change is not forwards-compatible.

Therefore, we could use the opportunity to add some other features.
So far, this includes:

1. Display-If-Installed: Allow EAPI=5 style package dependency
   specifications (see above).

2. Display-If-Profile: Allow wildcards like default-linux/* [5].

3. Title: Increase maximum length. In the past, devs repeatedly
   struggled with the current 44 character limit. (Can anyone
   enlighten me where this originates from? I cannot find anything in
   the discussions around the time when GLEP 42 was submitted.)
   The eselect news reader could still display a 51 character title
   in one line for the "list" and "read" commands, on an 80 character
   wide terminal.
   I suggest we round this down to a maximum length of 50 characters,
   which (together with the 72 character limit for the body) would
   nicely agree with the limits recommended for git commit messages.

4. Content-Type: Only one value is allowed for this header, namely
   text/plain. We might as well drop it, because any changes there
   will require an increment of the News-Item-Format.

If these changes find agreement, I would prepare a new GLEP for news
item format 2.0.



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