Saturday 30 Jan 2016 11:45:48, Alex Brandt wrote :
> Hey Guys,
> I've oft wondered why we don't automatically assign bugs to the 
> ebuild maintainer (if a CPV is in the subject).  Would there be an 
> issue with adding a bug modification hook to bugzilla or a daily 
> job to re-assign bugs to ebuild owners (if a CPV is in the 
> subject)?
> Just curious not trying to incite anything.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Alex Brandt
> Software Developer for Rackspace and Developer for Gentoo


I like your idea (I tought about it a while ago but never bothered raising the
issue on the gentoo-dev ML). So I looked around on the Internet to see if
there's another open source project like Gentoo who ran into a similar issue
with Bugzilla.

And it turns out there is (!).

Context: the FreeBSD project recently ditched GNATS in favour of Bugzilla [1].

FreeBSD devs now make heavy use of the bug tracker and like us, they try to
optimise Bugzilla and fine-tune it as best as they can. And like us, they ran
into this similar issue: how to automatically assign bugs. So they put together
a Bugzilla extension to fix this problem. Code is available here [2]. Since
it's already been implemented, no need to reinvent the wheel, we can find
inspiration through their code.

However, I'm not familiar at all with this code. If you have questions or want
to find out more, don't ask me, ask them! FreeBSD devs hang out in
#freebsd-bugs on freenode (at least the Bugzilla team). They've been really
helpful so far and are a delight to talk to. 



Patrice Clement
Gentoo Linux developer

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