On 06/03/16 18:18, Michał Górny wrote:
>> We should definitely include SLOTs in the allowed syntax.
> Why? What's their use? In fact, does <pkg/> have any use? Because as I
> see it, it's just some fancy feature that could turn package name into
> link to packages.gentoo.org and nothing more...

Using SLOTs you have more precision in what you are writing. There are
quite a number of packages where SLOTs differ a lot, e.g. grub. So
clearly specifying a SLOT make sense to me.

Take this example

 <flag name="grub2">Install theme for <pkg>sys-boot/grub:2</pkg></flag>

Dropping the SLOT here doesn't make sense, as the content of the package
with USE=grub2 won't work for grub-1.

I can assume there are a number of packages where file formats or such
changed between SLOTs, so it makes sense to specify it.

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