On Sun, 8 May 2016 11:20:34 -0400
Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 05/07/2016 04:13 PM, James Le Cuirot wrote:
> >
> > +   if [[ $(tr -s "[:space:]" "\n" <<< "${PLOCALES}" | sort |
> > xargs echo) != ${current%[[:space:]]} ]] ; then  
> The stuff on the left-hand side just sorts a space-separated list,
> right? It might be time to split that into another function. It looks
> a lot less insane when it's,
>   if [[ $(l10n_sort_spaces "${PLOCALES}") != ${current%[[:space:]]} ]]
> Then the  function would just be
>   # @FUNCTION: l10n_sort_spaces
>   # Takes a space-separated list of strings as an argument and sorts
>   # them. The output is again space-separated. This is accomplished
>   # by first replacing the spaces with newlines so that "sort" can
>   # be used, and then collecting the output back onto one line.
>   function l10n_sort_spaces() {
>     tr -s "[:space:]" "\n" <<< "${1}" | sort | xargs echo
>   }
> You should also document why you're doing that nearby, since like you
> said, the eclass assumes that PLOCALES is sorted. Someone will wonder
> why you're doing it again.

I feel an extra function for something we're only doing once is a bit
redundant. I was happy to add a short explanation though so I did that.
Merged it now.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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