On 09/05/16 21:08, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
>> Is there actually a decent systemd-based rescue CD out there?
> while i can see some merits to this, eg. running systemd-nspawn from a
> live cd, this is a lower priority.  i don't have any desire to maintain
> this.
I rather thought this question was meant as "is it out there (in the
wilderness)" rather than "shall Gentoo generate one" along the lines,
perhaps of the SystemRescueCD .. but with systemd instead of openRC. I
would err that, at this stage (pun excused!) that Gentoo doesn't worry
about a 'System_D_rescueCd' and leaves it to another 'project' although
if any dev wishes to contribute, I'm sure that would be welcomed to it.

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