For normal users we wouldn't. But currently, arch-testers need to make a
judgement call on what to test when a stable-req bug is filed. Tests run in
src_test are provided by upstream, and does not guarantee that a package
that has been merged will actually run on the system.
If the maintainer could add a couple small scripts to check basic
of the merged package, it would make testing for arch testers much easier
and reliable.
Let me give an example. Let's say
app-misc/screenfetch-2.7.7 is the current stable package for screenfetch in
the portage tree.
However, on running, it produces an error on the top, along with the proper
If screenfetch-3.0.0 happens to fix that error, maintainer can add a simple

       if [ "$(screenfetch 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" != "" ] then
             eerror "Still producing error"

To make sure the build is properly updating the screenfetch version, and
the bug has in fact been fixed. This is the only way I can see to reliabily
and automatically test packages that have been merged successfully.


On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:08 PM, Luis Ressel <> wrote:

> On Mon, 16 May 2016 18:13:33 +0530
> Pallav Agarwal <> wrote:
> > What I'm suggesting is to add a new function post_install_test. The
> > function will run only if the build is being run for stabilization
> > (either as a part of automated stabilization, or manual) which can be
> > controlled by a USE flag. The function would also require independent
> > dependencies in case it uses external applications to test the one
> > being built.
> Could you please elaborate on this? We already have src_test() for
> automated tests. Why would we want to run additional tests after the
> package has been merged?
> --
> Regards,
> Luis Ressel
> Luis Ressel <>
> GPG fpr: F08D 2AF6 655E 25DE 52BC  E53D 08F5 7F90 3029 B5BD

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