Suggested description: Add support for the WebP image format
Currently in use by the following packages:

app-text/tesseract:webp - Enable support for webp image format.
dev-games/aseprite:webp - Enable webp image format support
dev-libs/DirectFB:webp - build WebP image provider
dev-libs/efl:webp - Enable WebP image loader
dev-python/pillow:webp - Enable support for webp image format.
dev-qt/qtwebkit:webp - Add support for WebP image format
media-gfx/darktable:webp - Enable WebP export support
media-gfx/fbida:webp - Enable support for the WebP image format
media-gfx/graphicsmagick:webp - Enable support for webp image format
media-gfx/gthumb:webp - Enable support for webp image format
media-gfx/imagemagick:webp - Enable webp image format support using media-libs/libwebp
media-gfx/imageworsener:webp - enable webp image format support
media-gfx/nomacs:webp - Build support for WEBP image format
media-gfx/qiviewer:webp - Build support for WEBP image format
media-libs/gd:webp - Enable support for the webp format
media-libs/gegl:webp - Enable support for media-libs/libwebp
media-libs/jbig2enc:webp - Add support for WEBP image format
media-libs/leptonica:webp - Adds support for the WebP image format
media-libs/opencv:webp - Enable support for webp image format
media-libs/sdl-image:webp - support loading WEBP images
media-libs/sdl2-image:webp - support loading WEBP images
media-video/ffmpeg:webp - Enables WebP encoding with media-libs/libwebp.
media-video/libav:webp - Enable WebP encoding with media-libs/libwebp.
www-client/netsurf:webp - WebP image support (media-libs/libwebp)
x11-wm/windowmaker:webp - Enables WebP image format support using media-libs/libwebp
x11-wm/xpra:webp - Enable webp image format support

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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