On 10/06/16 08:33, Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> On 09/06/16 12:28, Igor Savlook wrote:
> > Ok how coordinate? Example: I install packageA in exherbo from
> > repository1 and packageA denend on packageB on repository2. Now
> > packageB removed from repository2 and exherbo crash on install
> > package or on rebuild world (epic fail). Exherbo user need wait
> > when return packageB or create new repository for this package.
> This (as I understand what you're writing) doesn't happen. That's kind
> of the point of curated and reviewed repositories.
So forgive me for being blind .. but we were talking about going -away-
from central, curated repositories, and now we've come full circle to
the situation we have now with overlays, mostly controlled in some way
by gentoo .. so, do tell me .. what's the difference?!

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