On 06/09/2016 11:54 PM, Jason Zaman wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 09, 2016 at 08:19:43AM -0400, NP-Hardass wrote:
>> # Old EAPIs are banned.
>> case "${EAPI:-0}" in
>>      5|6) ;;
>>      *) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported" ;;
>> esac
> How reasonable would it be to ban EAPI5 as well? This is a new eclass so
> it may be better to just take the time to go to EAPI6 directly and not
> have to migrate 5->6 later on.
Would be quite reasonable.  I thought since all the existing MATE
ebuilds are EAPI 5 or 6, it'd be wise to support both, but I've only
actually used (and probably will only use) the eclass with EAPI6 ebuilds.
>> # @FUNCTION: python_cond_func_wrap
>> # @DESCRIPTION: Wraps a function for conditional python use, to run for each
>> # python implementation in the build directory.
>> python_cond_func_wrap() {
>>      if use python; then
>>              python_foreach_impl run_in_build_dir "$@"
>>      else
>>              $@
>>      fi
>> }
> I dont see where you inherited the python eclasses? You also probably
> need to use use_if_iuse (from eutils.eclass) instead since it seems like
> python might not be in all the ebuilds. Afaik, you're not allowed to
> call use foo if foo is not in IUSE already
I forgot to include a comment in the ebuild, but the intention was that
the eclass would not inherit python, by design, those wanting to use
that should inherit python themselves.  Although, if I should check that
explicitly, I am unaware of how to do so, and would appreciate advice
from someone, if it is possible. I am aware of INHERITED, but the PMS
says it shouldn't be exported to ebuilds, so I'm unsure if/how it could
be used.

My hope was that since this is used several times (though, not too
many), that I could move this logic into the eclass, but if it would be
more appropriate to just keep that in each of those ebuilds, I can do
that too.
> Also I'm not sure if having functions start with python_ could lead to
> conflicts later on with the python eclasses?
Yeah, I should probably adjust the namespace
> Other than these minor things, look good!
> -- Jason
Thanks for taking the time to look it over and review.


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