On 06/16/2016 09:22, Andrew Savchenko wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 14:26:47 +0200 Michał Górny wrote:
>> Hello, everyone.
>> Here's my second RFC wrt bugs.gentoo.org redesign.
>> Right now we have separate UNCONFIRMED and CONFIRMED states for bugs.
>> However, we use the two scarcely. I believe it would be beneficial to
>> replace the two with a single NEW state.
>> Rationale:
>> 1. Most of developers don't care about the two states, and which one
>> bugs are in.
>> 2. All bugs need to be handled the same, whether they were marked as
>> confirmed or not.
>> 3. We stage bugs through bug-wranglers@ which kinda has a similar
>> purpose to the UNCONFIRMED state in other Bugzillas.
>> 4. Some people who actually care about the two states change them,
>> causing unnecessary bugspam.
>> 5. Some users who think that the state matters get furious about bugs
>> staying in UNCONFIRMED for long.
>> Your thoughts?
> CONFIRMED state is useful, it means that dev or powerful user
> confirmed this bug and gives it more value. I'd like to keep it.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Savchenko

+1 here, too.  UNCONFIRMED should be the default for new bugs, because
sometimes, issues can get reported that are really obscure and, for example,
tied to a particular hardware configuration, thus cannot be easily and
independently confirmed.  It'd be nice if, when replying in a comment, a flag
could be made available to automatically to state that "I've encountered this
issue, too", and once 2, 3, or 4 of those are logged, Bugzilla automatically
changes the state to CONFIRMED, but doesn't bugspam on this specific state 

Also, +1 to changing UNRESOLVED to OPEN.

Don't suppose we can get a RESOLVED::RTFM, can we? :)

(I'm kidding)

Joshua Kinard
6144R/F5C6C943 2015-04-27
177C 1972 1FB8 F254 BAD0 3E72 5C63 F4E3 F5C6 C943

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