On 08/11/2016 01:20 PM, James Le Cuirot wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 12:56:02 +0200
> Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>>> IMHO providing compatibility symlinks for proprietary binary-only
>>>> programs isn't the task of the libpcre package.  
>>> I'm fine with putting it in libpcre-debian package as kentnl
>>> suggested.  
>> I still think that the libpcre.so.3 compatibility link shouldn't be
>> installed in a generally visible location. Install it in a specific
>> directory instead, and start your binary with a wrapper which will
>> add that directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> That makes it slightly more awkward for binaries you may have installed
> manually. Can we agree to disagree on this one? It won't affect those
> who don't need it. Obviously if anything blows up, I'll take full
> responsibility.

I agree with Ulm on this one, having a separate dir and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
seems like the cleanest solution for this.

Kristian Fiskerstrand
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