Hi Arch Teams,

As previously announced[1], the Council has established a working group
to evaluate the stable tree, and produce a report with a summary of the
discussions held and a list of recommendations.

As an arch team member, you have the best insight into current and best
practices. We therefore hope you will kindly share some information with us:

* Which architecture(s) do you work on?
* Which types of packages do you work on? (eg. everything, only system,
only security bugs, only keyword requests...)
* How do you feel about the current state of your architecture(s) in
general, and how does that compare to your ideal state?
* What do you feel is the best practice for stabilising a given class of
package? (eg. a core toolchain package vs. a common library vs. a random
application with no revdeps)
* How do you typically stabilise a package?

We appreciate anything you care to share, and individual responses will
not be shared outside of the working group (but may be summarised or
paraphrased for our report). Our email address is wg-sta...@gentoo.org,
please include this in To or CC of any response.


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