On Fri, 23 Sep 2016 14:39:50 -0500
William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> The swapfiles service, which was basically a copy of the swap service,
> has been removed. If you are only using swap partitions, this change
> will not affect you. If you are using swap files, please adjust the
> dependencies of the swap service as shown in /etc/conf.d/swap.

I found this prose a little vague myself, took me a while to understand
its intent.

Mostly because the terms "swap partitions" and "swap files" don't have
any distinction between the two if you're not consciously aware that
you can mount files on arbitrary filesystems formatted as swap and use
them like swap, and so, the terminology "swap files" and "swap
partitions" get mentally reduced to "are you using swap" in both cases.

I would probably re-write it to indicate something along the lines of:

"This change only has implications for people who are using
swap-formatted files mounted on top of standard Linux filesystems" 

That way it reads as: 

"There is a condition to whether or not you should care" and "That
condition is using swap-formatted files" -> "I am not using swap
formatted files, so this does not apply to me" -> "I can stop reading" 

Whereas it presently reads as: 

"The there is a condition to whether or not you should care" and "That
condition is you are using swap at all" -> "I am using swap! .... I
better read all this very carefully"

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