Ühel kenal päeval, E, 24.10.2016 kell 15:29, kirjutas Matt Turner:
> A former co-worker of mine is now at Google and wants to contribute
> ebuilds he wrote for ChromeOS to Gentoo. They add packages necessary
> for Vulkan (new 3D graphics API).
> For instance: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/c
> hromiumos-overlay/+/master/media-libs/vulkan-loader/vulkan-loader-
> The copyright header says "Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors.
> All
> rights reserved." All ebuilds in gentoo.git say "Copyright 1999-20xx
> Gentoo Foundation".
> Can I add ebuilds copyrighted by others to gentoo.git?

I don't see anything significantly artistic there to be copyrightable
in the first place. Just boilerplate of ebuild variables (one could say
this is derivative work on Gentoo stuff), and passing of variables to
cmake via a method whose copyrightable significant work is inside
cmake-utils.eclass, which is in main tree (probably with wrong
copyright headers, but...).

Given they only care about ICD loader, we'd want to re-do much of the
work and checking anyway, to perhaps build more stuff than the ICD


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