Hi, everyone.

Following my previous RFC wrt version operator problems, I'd like to
start the second part of the discussion: how to improve version
operators in a Future EAPI?

I've collected various ideas on operator changes on a wiki page [1].
I've tried to stay open-minded and cover every possibility, even though
I doubt some of them would be even considered.

I should warn you that some of the solutions are interlinked to each
other, and you probably need to look through the whole page first
before starting to construct an opinion. For example, specific
solutions to most of the problems depend on whether we enable version
ranges and in which form.

I think we should start by loosely discussing the various ideas
on the wiki page. Feel free to also point out any missing ideas
or remarks that would be useful there.

So, what are your comments?


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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