
I have decided to stop involvement with the Project as a proxied
maintainer, and to stop pursuing becoming a developer. Two main
reasons for this, one the community is at times openly hostile on the
mailing lists and IRC, of which I have asked people on IRC about whom
have responded this is the norm(once in awhile vents is fine it
happens but this has been consistently visible) this is ignoring
cultural differences that may cause misunderstanding; Secondly the
community is very insular and unwelcoming to new comers.

In twelve months of working with people only 2 have actively
encouraged involvement (shout out to Idella4 and pacho for this), some
projects didn't respond, or if they did they provided no details or
feedback to those of us who where new and trying to contribute. I
don't want to mention names about the negatives because I don't blame
the individuals; it too me seems to be systemic within the community.
I have a few comments about how I think you could improve things, but
feel free to ignore they are offered in the spirit of constructive

Review your CoC, its open to abuse as pointed out on another thread.
Enforcement of rules should be consistent.
Review your recruitment strategies, and framework for contribution.
https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ might be of interest to some
posters! construct a well reason argument - but be prepared to
Finally encourage Active involvement from all Developers in Gentoo
matters not just in their packages, apathy is your worst enemy

I have updated one outstanding ticket for bugzilla from last week that
was assigned to me as maintainer wanted, and will shortly put through
a pull request on github which updates the meta data for bugzilla and
displaycal removing me as a maintainer.

To end on a positive note, I was a user for many years and will
continue for the short term at the very least as I think the concept
of gentoo is great.


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