On 12/18/2016 07:05 PM, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> Additions:
> ...
> dev-php/ca-bundle                     20161124-07:43 mjo         7597666
> dev-php/cli-prompt                    20161124-07:21 mjo         d3bd351
> dev-php/composer                      20161124-08:09 mjo         d273046
> dev-php/fedora-autoloader             20161123-15:49 mjo         38e69d1
> dev-php/jsonlint                      20161124-07:29 mjo         033f5d3
> dev-php/json-schema                   20161124-07:24 mjo         79a2aeb
> dev-php/phar-utils                    20161124-07:18 mjo         ea07d00
> dev-php/psr-log                       20161123-15:55 mjo         6c369a5
> dev-php/semver                        20161124-07:40 mjo         0bccd72
> dev-php/spdx-licenses                 20161124-07:33 mjo         a780206
> dev-php/symfony-config                20161124-07:50 mjo         d10d7e2
> dev-php/symfony-console               20161124-08:03 mjo         bc36d09
> dev-php/symfony-dependency-injection  20161124-07:57 mjo         9963181
> dev-php/symfony-event-dispatcher      20161124-07:59 mjo         2283ea2
> dev-php/symfony-filesystem            20161123-18:29 mjo         bdc6673
> dev-php/symfony-finder                20161123-18:53 mjo         57de338
> dev-php/symfony-process               20161123-18:15 mjo         a7733e1
> dev-php/symfony-yaml                  20161124-07:54 mjo         e751ace

These were all added by a user, Guillaume Seren. I only merged the pull
request. We recently had a thread, "Please retain authorship of
contributed patches," in light of which it might be cool if we could get
the author's name listed above rather than the committer (when the
author is not a developer).

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