On 01/01/2017 00:00, James Le Cuirot wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 22:54:28 +0100
> Thomas Kahle <to...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I will retire
> Sorry to hear that. :(
>> app-text/tesseract
> I maintain media-libs/leptonica, which is primarily in the tree because
> of Tesseract. I don't use Tesseract myself though and it's not a
> trivial package to maintain so I'd rather someone else picked it up.
> Surely one of you does some OCR? This is the best free software OCR
> project around.

I started maintaining tesseract because I use


Maybe takers also want to look at this.  It's very little work (but it
depends on ocaml).

>> www-apps/tt-rss
> I'll take this one. I use it every day.

Very good.  Note that this has a rolling release model upstream.
The master branch is considered stable.  I used to make a tarball
from this every 3 or 4 months and host them on my devspace.
Please also change the SRC_URI for the current ebuilds, as my
devspace will go offline eventually.


Thomas Kahle

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